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Important Info

Server Announcements, Penalty and Rule Break information, details on our 2 servers, and helpful infographics.

Scroll down for helpful infographics!

Server News & Announcements

- We have implemented official nesting and are currently running a Discord event asking people to document what POI's certain species are able to make successful nests in. Once this is determined, we will add a comprehensive and helpful Nesting Guide to our server rules of where certain species are allowed to nest.


(Posted October 12th)

Penalties and Rule Breaks

We ask that you please respect the rules of our server. If you don't like them there are many other great communities that may better suit your needs.


If you experienced a rule break: If you are in the Discord and are a full member, please submit a Regular Ticket. If you are not in the Discord, there are options in Facebook, but you can also signal in-game Staff. Please additionally submit a Player Report and in the description mention that you are a non-Discord player and explain the incident. We will do our best to get you justice. 


If you break a gameplay rule: After it is explicitly determined you broke a gameplay rule, you will receive a message from a Nat Hist staff member indicating you have received a penalty. Listed in order--

Official Warning

Strike 1 (Probation starts)

Strike 2 (Temp ban, 24 hours)

Strike 3 (Temp ban, 3 days)

Strike 4 (Permanent ban)


Penalty Record and Roll Back: An Official Warning rolls back after 2 weeks. However, if you reach your first Strike 1 you enter a 3-week probationary period where if you reach Strike 4 within that time you will be permanently banned [with the opportunity to appeal after two months (see below)]. Your probationary period will be up after the 3 weeks with all strikes wiped and you will be back at the level of Official Warning which will then roll off after 1 week post-probation.


The second time you earn Strike 1, your probationary period will be 6 weeks where if you reach Strike 4 in that time you will be permanently banned [with the opportunity to appeal after two months (see below)]. The same follows with the one week of being on an Official Warning.


Staff will let you know of the date your probation is up. Further, if you go two months without earning a Strike 1 your probation record will be reset to nothing.


These penalties ensure Nat Hist stays as a rule-following environment which contributes to the fun, and for players to experience consistency in rules enforcement. Nat Hist staff can see who kills who and we have access to player reports. We also have chat logs. However, ultimately rule breaks can only be determined with assistive hard proof, so we encourage recording your replays and/or gameplay.

Global Chat is a Privilege: If deemed necessary, staff will temporarily mute players who make Global Chat anything less than pleasant.

Ban Appeals
Only permabans are allowed to appeal and can only be appealed after the ban has been active for 2 months. Appeal request is submitted via Google Form (coming soon) where Nat Hist Lead Staff will decide to reject or grant your appeal for assessment.

If an appeal is granted, a group of 6 non-Lead Staff members will gather to discuss the merits of either overturning or sustaining the ban and decided via simple majority within 48 hours of an accepted appeal.

If your permaban is overturned, you will return to the server under a 2-week probationary period with the following conditions:

  • In-game chat mute for the probationary period.

  • Removal of Species role for the probationary period.

  • If the player completes their 2-week probation with no issues, their penalty will be fully cleared from the sheet, their mute removed, and you will be allowed to return to play as normal.

  • If probation is violated with a confirmed rule break, the player will be returned to permabanned status with no further opportunity to appeal.

Permabanned players will only have ONE chance to redeem themselves. If they appealed once before, they will NOT have another chance.

Our Servers

Infographic Resources

Click each to make bigger and read details!

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